Wednesday 26 October 2011

My View on Elizabeth from Pride and Prejudice

I feel Elizabeth is naive when it comes to judging people as she shouldn't read a book by it's cover as this is prejudiced. It could be seen that Elizabeth's sudden change of heart is influenced by Charlotte's success is securing a rich man. Perhaps Elizabeth's prejudiced view towards men and seemed hatred for them suggests sexual confusion. Elizabeth may be seduced by Darcy's money and status which overides her actual opinion of him. However Elizabeth shows she is intelligent and witty throughout the novel and puts forward ideas which could be seen as outragous in her time. This shows her feminist views as she believes men and women should have equal rights.

Her close relationship with her father suggests she is still attached in a childish way which prevents her from maturing socially and she doesn't want to leave him as she feels he is the most important person in her life. The way Elizabeth ridicules others suggest she has low self confidence and tries to put down others down to make herself feel better about herself as she is not seen as the prettiest. She tries to contradict other peoples opinion which shows she domineering and self centered and doesn't ever think there may even be slight chance she is wrong. Overall Elizabeth is intelligent but naive.

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