Friday, 2 December 2011

My Lesson Number 25! :) x

Today we analysed 'A Royal Princess' by Christina Rossetti. It revolves around a princess who is trapped by her father and overprotected, when all she really is a family, rather than the material goods she is surrounded with. The poem begins in a rich environment and describes countless expensive things, however it soon changes to focus on the reality of the poverty which is subjected to poorer people. The poem shows how this royal princess gives up her wealthy lifestyle to increase the quality of life of the poor people. It can be seen she compensates for her lack of family by acting as a mother figure for them!


In this week we had a tutorial with Mr Francis, this was good as it allowed us to see how we were doing on our essays! We also began studying 'A Royal Princess' which focussed only lonely life a woman who desperately wanted company, despite her luxurious lifestyle. The poem also was inspired by the life a Marie Antoinette, who also had a tragic life.